=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=MIDICRAFT=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=      WHEN ORDERING      MIDICraft Compositons and Arrangements 12 Mount Road, Halton, Runcorn, Cheshire. WA7 2BH. England. U.K. Tel: +44 0928 563762 When ordering your disks please remember the following: If you telephone to make your order, with the view of calling to our address to pick up your disks then please state clearly the disks section, the disk name and the disk number, (PLEASE READ THE DOCS ELSE WHERE ON THIS DISK IN THE VARIOUS SECTIONS). That way we can cross reference our own MASTER DISKS to secure the correct the MIDICraft Vol#1 disks for you. This also applies to those who use the postal service, you must make it perfectly plain what disks you require. If you do not do this you will be sent the wrong disks, we do not exchange disks that were incorrectly ordered through the mail!. Please be careful, as your errors cannot be rectified! Also, for those of you who pay by cheque or postal order, please make your cheques or postal orders payable to KEVAN R. CRAFT. Thanks. PRICES OF OUR MIDICraft Vol#1 DISKS ARE AS FOLLOWS:- The MIDICraft Music-X Vol#1 - 4 disk set (Amiga formatted) is £15 The MIDICraft MIDI Vol#1 - 3 disk set (Amiga formatted) is £15 The MIDICraft MIDI Vol#1 - 3 disk set (MS DOS formatted) is £15 Price includes Postage and Packing anywhere in the World! Don't forget, make your cheques or Postal Orders payable to KEVAN R.CRAFT. IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!! All MIDICraft Amiga listed disks are compatible on the Amiga 1.3, 500 Plus 600, 600 HD and 1200 machines All MIDICraft MS DOS listed disks are compatible on the IBM PC, PC Clones and the ATARI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=MIDICRAFT=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=